Stilling på Lao Friends Hospital for Children

Hello everyone

Lao Friends Hospital for Children has received funding for a 6 month Neonatal Nurse Educator position. Our neonatal nursing team are increasingly independent and our unit is running well. As we promote more junior nurses into working in that area we would like to develop an increased variety of learning materials and provide more in-depth learning opportunities for our team. This will include participation from our senior neonatal nurse leaders and nurse educator in order to make curriculum development Lao-led and delivered by our staff to ensure sustainability.

The job description is attached, and if you could forward this to any suitable neonatal nurses who are interested in healthcare development work I would appreciate it. As I’m sure you know, word of mouth is our most powerful recruiting tool and many of you will know like-minded people who also have connections that may be suitable for the role. The position is for 6 months and is a salaried one, not a volunteer. FWAB will be covering all flights, visa insurance, COVID testing and quarantine costs. The closing date for applications is 10/05/21 and we are hoping to have someone in post by July 2021.

Although international travel is tricky, it is possible to get humanitarian workers into Laos on a business visa. Laos is currently free of community transmitted COVID and life here is carrying on pretty much as normal, only with less tourists. As such it could represent a very attractive proposition for a nurse wanting to do some international work.

Applications should be sent to and

If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know!

Best wishes, and sok dee Pii Mai to you all.


Neonatal Nurse Mentor Position Description